zaterdag 2 februari 2008

First Area Rulers returning to Holland.

Yesterday it has been decided that 6 people need to go back to Holland and fly the IFR portion at Eelde on the Bonanza, because there are not enough Piper Arrows available here at Sabena.
So within 2 weeks the following people will go home:

Johnny, Laura, Sophie, Steven, Michiel and Maarten (class 06-4). These people would be the next candidates for the IFR training on the Arrow, but wil continue flying the Archer untill their VFR phase is completed.

I have already flown 4 IFR flights. 2 Of those were simulator flights. I have to say it is a lot of fun, because you are working in crew concept. So you can tell your instructor to do certain things, like talking over the radio's, pulling out the flaps and such.